Champions League

Congratulations on winning Team League - Champions League Season 3, can i ask your Team how much did you enjoy this season and what improvements did you make to the Team?
It was an excellent event once again. The competition was tough and it was a pleasure to fight in those difficult races. There was no improvements made to our team, besides some team member changes.
In Season 3 we introduced a protest committee made up of members of competing teams, do you think this has been a success and is this format good for the event?
To be honest i did not have an oppurtunity to watch the work of the PC (fortunatly there was no protests posted about our races). I do think, however, that this is an excellent idea.
What do you think has been the secret to POL-VSC's success in this event?
I think it was the desire to win the event. We really wanted to defend the title and were always prepared (we watched the maps carrefully).
Do you guys practice specific manoeuvres in training or have a specific strategy before races?
We usually just don't want to interrupt each other (eg. we discuss who wants to start from which side of starting line, or if someone is planning to make a maneuver, he simply informs about it the others).
What was your most difficult or most memorable race in the series?
It really hard to say, but i'd say every one of semifinal and final races. It was an incredibly hard fight and our win in both semifinal and final was marginal, it could go either way, that's why the win tastes so good :)
Say what you want and i didnt ask ......
I 'd like (one more time) to thank the organizers for providing such a great competition for all of us. It 's a pleasure racing with you. See you guys next season.
Good winds!
Thank you
Sailing Committee