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 Euro League        




The Interview

How did it feel to win Euro League Season 3?

 Was feeling to the work well done. All teammates we rejoiced much, especially the fact that he made the team O^O, with members of different groups, as VSKFun, All4one, Cybersea and others committed to the event to the end, something remarkable.


What was your most memorable race in Season 3?

It coinsides with the topic, the last of the final, although the most significant occurred in the second from the same Final, because the unique circumstances that made possible the dispute of the final race and in particular is given, the penultimate race buoy. An error of our opponents, led the comeback.


Your Team use TS to comunicate?

 Yes, but not all on same server. All do not control a common language, which we should improve for the future. The tecnologies at our disposal, give us the ability to communicate with the rest of the community, but not with the necessary fluidity in all races.


What you have to say about VSK TEAM LEAGUE?

 Yes is a good event, but like everything it can be improved. What you can say, is that it goes the right way


Did you see the Trophy Room? What you have to say about it?

 Fine with me, and above all, hoping it will be the beginning of a long history of trophies.


Say what you want and i didnt ask ......

  The event has the quality that this community deserves virtual sailors and our wish is that the same, acknowledge the effort that is being done from the organizing committee and collaborators, and grant him the glow that deserves this championship.


Thank you

Sailing Committee

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